Tuesday, February 7, 2023

State of the Union - Joe Biden - 2023

Rooting against Biden tonight, was rooting against America. I know, I know. Politics are pretty much just a team sport. You’re all in for your team.

But if you’re rooting for the guys against compromise or taxing billionaires, but for eliminating Social Security, then you’re team sucks. Are you so for lower taxes for some rich asshole who wouldn’t give you the time of day that you’re willing to live in The Handmaid’s Tale? Is that what passes for smaller government these days?
Obviously, times are insane. In 2009, when that congressman yelled “you lie“ at Obama, he was officially reprimanded. Now, Marjorie Taylor Greene can just scream whatever she wants whenever she wants and no one bats an eye.
The Sarah Huckabee Sanders angry rebuttal was choice. Talking about “failed policies” while advocating for trickledown. Only fiscally conservative when a Dem is in office. Then it’s cut taxes and wait for the economy to explode. Also, “the woke left” is the new “socialist”. Basically, “don’t aspire toward education, you dumb fuck.”
Gist of the speech: Don’t fuck with entitlements that we pay into that will make our lives better, work toward comprise, cap prices on life-saving drugs, end BS fees, and give people more money for doing shit jobs. Biden basically asked Republicans to stop being assholes and they double downed on asshole.

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