Thursday, September 8, 2022

Eyeball - Umberto Lenzi - 1975

★★★★- Easing into Halloween season with giallo flicks. September and all. This one is completely absurd and probably forgotten. But it totally shouldn't be. It's way out there fun. 

The very basic gist is a of diverse American tourists do what American tourists do, stopping along with the others in the tour bus to go about and act like typical Americans abroad. Eventually though a maniac wearing a red coat starts killing them off and gouging out their eyes. A real bummer for them, I'm sure. 

The dubbing is hilariously bad. The whole movie is almost a spoof. The ladies are all unbelievably attractive. The character Mark starts the movie with the most disgusting mullet of the early 70s but is normal the rest of the movie. Lot of hair continuity issues come to think of it. 

There is a scene that establishes that all of the characters are terrible where someone does something problematic and the camera does a zoom in on their face and they look into the camera like “I could be the killer.” Really let’s you see how poorly everyone’s eyebrows and facial hair is groomed. 

Once the murderer is revealed, this person becomes completely deranged. Dialed it the fuck up. An insane performance. 

This movie has everything. A killer fixated with eyeballs. Gratuitous nudity. Natural queer representation. A person of color. Crazy 70s clothing. A woman eaten by pigs. 

Soooo, I loved it! A foreign movie with American stereotypes (including people wearing American flag clothing) bumming around together in Spain, getting picked off one by one. Yes, please.

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