Monday, August 15, 2022

Logan’s Run is the greatest movie of all time

Logan’s Run. "Just so many people want it to exist, so many people who don't want to die... They want it so much that a place called Sanctuary becomes real. But it doesn't exist. It never existed. Just... just the hope." Directed by one Michael Anderson in 1976, this movie was awesome. 

Gist is everybody in this future society is fed this Giver lie they will “renew” If they are willingly (and dramatically) killed at 30 years old. If they fight back or try to run then they are still killed but without the promise of renewal. Course this is all bullshit and Logan is tasked with finding the supposed sanctuary where runners go. 

Michael York from Cabaret plays Logan. Farrah Fawcett makes an appearance. Roscoe Lee Brown plays a robot and is the only black person in the movie. Little girl from Airplane. Peter Ustinov, Famous for playing Poirot in the 70s and 80s. He’s the only person supposedly over 30 in the movie. There is a contortionist I like and follow who is in movies and TV, often as a corpse or somebody dies horribly and is all mangled up. She is also the robot Flow in a Progressive commercial and the well ghost that crawls around in one of the Ring movies. Well, I follow her on Instagram and she hangs out with her dad a lot, and he is in this movie, whom I somehow incredibly recognized. 

Lot of jumping from high places in sudden nudity. Future apparently has a lot of orgy rooms. Plus the people in this movie have their own little capital riot. 

Favorite bit is when they are out in the world and find this guy who has all these pet cats. They are all like, “what are these creatures.” The guy then tells them all about cats. Says every cat has three names. The name you call them, their fancy name, and then the name they call themselves. Sounds about right.

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