Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Single White Female - Barbet Schroeder - 1992

★★★-Saw this when I was way too young, at around 10, and it has haunted me ever since. To this day I warn people of the dangers of living with someone you don't know who may start trying to look like you to give your boyfriend fellatio. Revisiting for my second watch after 30 years, the movie is still creepy as shit, but this mostly comes out of the incredible performances and memorable scene as the movie is pretty shit. I feel especially leads Leigh and Fonda are going all out in what amounts to a trashy movie. 

So let's get to it. Gist is one Allison Jones (Bridget Fonda) catches her fiancee cheating and kicks him out. To make ends meet, she begins to rent an apartment room to one Heady Carlson (Jennifer Jason Leigh). At first its all great. Puppies, hanging out and watching old movies, swapping jewelry. Then Fonda starts getting back with Sam and things go down hill immediately. 

Directed by Barbet Schroeder. He did the 1995 remake of Kiss of Death with a killer ensemble cast that includes David Caruso, Samuel L. Jackson, and Nicolas Cage. Cage's performance in that flick is bananas if you've never seen it. Anyway, this film stars Bridget Fonda, Jennifer Jason Leigh (JJL) as the psycho biddy, and Steven Weber as Fonda's on again, off again fiancée. 

Fonda is extra cute. Looks a whole lot like a girl I date in grad school. Two of my old man's gems were “son, never date a chick with shorter hair than you,” and “son, never date a redhead with shorter hair than you.” This might be a thing for me. Anyway, so, everyone is thirsty as shit for Fonda in an extremely creepy way. Ned Ryerson gets all rapey. “It's a doozy!” JJL (who also throws herself at Steven Weber) is also obviously thirsty for her. Fonda is constantly oversleeping, causing her to be tardy though, which is super unattractive. 

Some real what the shit is happening red flags that characters just keep ignoring in regard to Heady. First, there is stuff with a dog. As soon I saw that puppy, I had a really shit feeling. JJL kicks at it once and it ends up dead. This at the 42-minute mark. The coming down with the same haircut is a real what in the actual fuck moment. But the most WTF happens with Steven Weber in his hotel room when we get to see his O-face. Some rape shit from this chick. 

At one point, near the end, JJL hints that Fonda would get blamed for all the murder and such because people would think that it was actually Fonda as they look just alike. Would have been an even scarier movie if no one had actually seen JJL or there weren't other breadcrumbs that suggested she exists. As is, since several people have seen her at this point and her parents are calling and so forth, it is more just another way that JJL is messing with her mind. 

Lastly, I know it is hard to end a movie, but this ending was bad. After all the action goes down, Fonda's character gives an incredibly dumb voice-over to take us out. The gist of it is basically, “I cried every day for a week, but my gay best friend says I should get over it. I guess I need to move on. That was JJL's problem, she never moved on. Don't want to end up like her. She taught me a lot.” WTF? That's what you're leaving us with? Fine, whatever. 

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