Thursday, July 27, 2023

Forest of Death - Brendan Rudnicki - 2023

★★-Not going to blow anyone away, though it's fine for what it is: a decently-done, low-budget digital straight-to-streamer that is occasionally scary. It's also only 75 minutes long (though it feels longer). The acting is pretty terrible, which is made worse when they go for it. But, the filmmaking is better than average, and the story is pretty engaging, if familiar, even if the monster is new. 

Gist is a group of friends go to a secluded cabin. Unbeknownst to them, a “skinwalker “lurks in the adjoining woods, biding its time to pick them off. 

Directed by one Brendan Rudnicki. He's done several movies in this lane, including The Girl in Cabin 13, The Haunting of the Murder House, and The Devil in the Room. Stars what look like usuals of his in Chloë Marie Rhoades, Dylan DeVane, Stephanie Kirves, Tyler Miller, and Benjamin L. Newmark. Have never seen any of them in my life. Though this Marie Rhoades looks exactly like someone on another program I've watched recently, but can't place. Someone I recently thought looked like Hilary Duff... Ugh. Don't got it. The lead in The Haunting of Bly Manor, mayhapThe blonde. The daughter in Cobra Kai? IDK. Still think it's someone else. Oh, well. 

Other things I liked: The pre-credits sequence is great. I was in after that first couple of minutes. Had a few pretty good scares to kick things off, and shows a decent looking monster. Then, the opening credits themselves has a really creepy theme that plays over creepy artwork that tie in to what happens later. So far, this movie is exceptional. 

Things I didn't: There is a stupid plot-hole where one of the two pairs packs everything up to leave, and THEN goes to get the other pair to leave. Dousing firewood with gasoline asking for trouble from the fire gods. The main guy is trying to make it out there as a photographer. This guy's photos are terrible. I was a real pro whose work was serviceable. This guy cannot make it out there. 

Overall, I'm glad I watched it, but don't really recommend it. Reminded me of the movie Bag Head. Some talent here, but still not there, partly because of budget constraints. 

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