Sunday, December 18, 2022

The Furies - Tony D'Aquino - 2019

★★★★- Games gone wrong night for the Nightmare on Film Street 31 Days of Halloween Horror Challenge.  Love a good hunting humans movie. Goes back to the days of Surviving the Game and The Pest for me. So a logical game gone wrong night for me. Really liked it, though it is not for everyone. Female viewing companion liked it as well. Just saying. 

Gist is a woman is kidnapped and wakes up in the woods. She and a group of other women find themselves fighting to stay alive as unwilling participants in a deadly game where women are hunted by “masked” men. The masks are all disgusting. One has a Leatherface thing going except with a whole human outfit. 

The main girl has a friend who just sucks. Giving her tough love and what not because she isn’t tough enough. This is not what I want from a friend, yo. 

In the middle of that when the ladies get kidnapped and wake up in the shit. Doesn’t have her seizure pills. My female companion is in this boat. If she misses one dose, she’s seizing. This woman is in a bad way. Most of the girls have something going on. 

The friend, again, sucks. She doesn’t go looking for the main epileptic girl because, according to another girl, “she isn’t a real friend.” Plus, she has adult braces. 

Flick is brutal. One random example. Guy throws an ax at a woman. Misses. She pulls the ax out of the tree and tries to hit him with it. He blocks it and slowly cuts off her face with it. Doesn’t waste any time getting there either. “It’s a fucked up world full of fucked up men.” That it is. 

There are some dumb things. Running off with no weapon bullshit. You are getting chased by killers, but leave the ax/machete on the ground… How the main girl finds one of the dudes in the cult or whatever, won’t get into that, and sees her dead friend. Does set up a sequel I’d sure as shit watch.

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