Thursday, October 19, 2023

Becky Unleashed: A darkly comedic tween home-invasion revenge phantasy

Becky - Jonathan Milott and Cary Murnion - 2020

★★★★★-Holy hell. I love a wild, home-invasion revenge story. Tense, taught flick with solid acting, and over-the-top, darkly humorous violence. My brand, for sure. 

Directed by the duo of Jonathan Milott and Cary Murnion with script from Nick Morris, Lane Skye, and Ruckus Skye. Never heard of any of them. Stars one Lulu Wilson, who is baller in the leading role. Her performance is bratty, rage-filled, and flawless. Also stars Kevin James as the big bad and Joel McHale as Becky’s dad. James' character becomes increasingly absurd and dumb as the film progresses, which is always the case with Neo-Nazis. 

Gist is 13-year-old Becky Hopper (Wilson) finds herself amid a home invasion at her family’s lakefront home led by escaped skin-head prisoner, Dominick Lewis (James), and his gang. After Becky's father, Jeff (McHale), gets murdered for a mysterious key that Becky has on her person, she starts dispatching the intruders with extreme prejudice. Her methods include gouging out a guy’s eye with the sought-after key, decapitating a dude with a bush hogger, chopping a guy up with a boat propeller, and stabbing a guy in the neck with a ruler. When questioned about the incident by law enforcement, however, Becky feigns amnesia, though we are all pretty proud of what she’s done. 

Again, loved this film, basically Die Hard with a little girl, and the sequel is even better. Think a little girl John Wick that everyone underestimates for obvious reasons. Fuck with her dog, or dad, I guess, and she is probably going to rip your head off with her bare hands. Even a child-murdering Nazi is like, “woah, you have a darkness in you that you have to get in check.” She shoots him in the face and screams like a banshee.  

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