Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Incident at Loch Ness - Zak Penn - 2004

★★ - Spoilers below! Usually like these inside baseball movies. Wasn’t crazy about this one. 

This is basically two mockumentaries in one movie. The documentary film crew is following Werner Herzog, talking about his films. While they are filming, he is making another film about the Loch Ness monster. Things get weird with the writer/producer Zac Penn trying to stage some bullshit, hiring a softcore porn actress as their sonar expert, and just some actor as the cryptozoologist. Werner stays levelheaded though his integrity is being compromised.

The cryptozoologist guy is way too over-the-top. Takes you out of the movie. Also, people Zack is constantly saying “stop filming me” and “get that camera out of my face.”

We do get some of those great Werner monologues though:

It's one of those films that didn't want to be made. To me, it seemed to be like a stillborn child that just didn't want to come to life.”

Finding the monster was never my intention. And so filming it was strangely unfulfilling and it left me questioning not only this experience, but many things I've done before. It made me wonder what I've been after. All this drama and pain to capture a few moments of light on a strip of celluloid. The truth did not seem ecstatic. It seemed vulgar and pointless.”

Overall, liked the supplemental material on the DVD more than the actual movie. Lots of fun cameos with people like Jeff Goldblum, Crispin Glover, and other Hollywood folk hanging out with Werner at the beginning of the movie. I’m sure they had fun making it.

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