Saturday, March 11, 2023

Jared From Subway: Catching A Monster - Sam Miller - 2023

Warning: This review and the program include talk of child sexual abuse.

Jared Fogle. Former spokesperson for Subway. Lost 245 pounds on what became known as the “Subway Diet.” Fucking sick fuck. Lover of child porn and sex with kids. Fucking fuck. Amidst the sea of true-crime content, “Jared From Subway: Catching a Monster” stands out as exceptionally repugnant.

This limited series follows his fall from grace. It was a very difficult watch. I couldn’t sleep I was so disturbed. The three-part series is available on ID and Discovery+, if you so desire. You’ve been warned. Multiple times now.

It all started in 2007 at a school event where Jared was talking to kids about living a healthy lifestyle or some such bullshit, when he leans over to tell journalist/radio host there with him, one Rochelle Herman-Walrond, how hot middle schoolers are to him. Horrified and freaked out over the potential implications of him saying that shit, she realized that as a motivational speaker at schools, he had easy access to children. To ensure the safety of children, she decided to Record him being a perv, reasoning that she needed some evidence for Sarasota‘s finest/the Feds to take her seriously. They informed her that she committed a crime by recording him without permission and that she would have to work for them now, which is crazy. 

So for the next four years she has to have these fucking crazy disgusting conversations with this sickening individual. At one point he asks her “Will you let me see your kids naked?” of her then-10-year-old daughter and 11-year-old son, and to install a webcam in her children's rooms so he could watch them. She was basically like “yeah, I don’t know about that shit” but also said “I feel as though I died that day.” He also tells her shit like he likes children because of their “nice, pure bodies,“ and that they should watch child porn together. He even brags about having sex with “a little boy” in Thailand. Of the encounter he says, “It was amazing … Oh, it was so hot, baby. It was so, so fucking hot,” before asking her if she would rather have “a little boy or a little girl pleasure [her].” Some stomach turning shit, man.

Jared eventually got tired of incriminating himself over the phone and her dodging him whenever he was in the area wanting to molest her children and stopped talking to her. What’s nuts is that in the end nobody does anything with the information either because everybody involved law enforcement wise seems to be worthless. He got caught when the Indianapolis Police Department arrested the Executive Director of the Jared Foundation for child porn and found all the shit that he was doing for Jared. Probably the worst thing is that he and his wife had secret cameras in his step kids rooms recording them in the shower and in bed and stuff. Their mom was also involved in this. Not only were they helping Jerry get his rocks off, they were into that shit too.

Eventually they all got time. The mom 33 years. The subway foundation guy 22 years. Jared 15 years. Obviously, he lost his job at Subway, the company completely severed ties, and the Jared Foundation got shut down. I bet Subway knew about that shit.

The thing I liked maybe the most in the documentary was how they talk to people he went to high school with in Indianapolis. They were basically all like, “he was a total fat embarrassing loser in high school. Sitting with him at lunch would have been social suicide.” When he got famous, they said, “oh, that huge loser from high school is famous now. He’s still a loser!” In the end, they were back at, “I knew he was a fat fucking loser.” High school cool kids are brutal, man. They’ll be tooling on him the rest of their lives, but he deserves it.

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