Monday, November 7, 2022

Watcher - Chloe Okuno - 2022

★★★★★- Solid flick. Love Shudder for showcasing new and diverse voices.

Gist is a woman moves with her BF to Bucharest, Romania. She thinks that a guy across the way from their apartment is watching her whilst someone is going around decapitating women. 

It’s a psychological, Hitchcock-esque horror film. Hits all those beats of a Rear Window or Suspicion. Simple, slow moving, classic type of flick. Rosemary’s Baby vibes at times, even. 

Stars horror darling Maika Monroe as the lead, Julia. Might recognize her from It Follows and The Guest. She is sort of it market correct Keira Knightley type for lowish-budget horror. 

Within the movie, Julia goes and sees the Cary Grant/Audrey Hepburn movie Charade, which is a personal favorite. I am a sucker for a scene where someone goes to a movie theater to watch an old movie, especially one I love.

You really sympathize with her if you’ve ever spent any time somewhere where you don’t speak the language. Even though she does a lot of questionable shit for a woman in a horror movie. 

Makes me realize, again, that being a woman must be incredibly hard. Especially a woman in a foreign country who doesn’t speak the language. Plus her husband, this gaslighting mother fucker, being all dismissive even though there is a serial killer in the neighborhood and shit. I don’t know, with people getting murder in front of the apartment, maybe if I were a cop or a guy whose wife was like “this guy is fucking following me, giving me murder dreams,” maybe I would fucking listen. That just me though.

The guy she thinks is stalking her, by the by, looks exactly like Elon Musk except with more hair.  Also, less of a psychopath.

Intense final 20 minutes. Wasn’t sure about it. But I liked where it went. Great final shot.

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